Ascent professionals are experts in compliance with environmental planning laws and regulations, including CEQA, NEPA, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), and related federal and state laws and regulations. Our environmental compliance experience includes a wide range of projects:

  • Water supply, wastewater, and flood control
  • Transportation projects, including rail and waterborne transit, roads and highways, bridges and interchanges
  • Traditional and alternative energy projects, including hydropower, natural gas, solar, wind, and biofuel
  • Government facilities, including correctional institutions
  • Solid waste projects and facilities
  • Hazardous materials and waste management
  • Land use and policy plans, including general plans and specific plans
  • Climate action plans and climate resilience planning
  • Park, trail, and recreation plans
  • Natural resources management and conservation plans
  • Commercial, residential, and industrial developments

Among CEQA lead agencies, we have worked with cities, counties, special districts, regional agencies, and a wide variety of state agencies. In their NEPA lead agency roles, we have assisted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, U. S. Air Force, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and Department of Housing and Urban Development.

We make it our business to stay informed about the ever-evolving requirements of our environmental planning practice, including published CEQA and NEPA case law, changes to the CEQA Statute and Guidelines, agency NEPA regulations, and other laws and regulations. Ascent principals have been directly involved in CEQA legislative review and guidelines development. We regularly instruct and give presentations for UC Davis Extension, American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals, Continuing Legal Education, and client agencies on CEQA and NEPA practice, case law updates, and other topics.